Sunday, May 3, 2015

From Distant Futures

From distant futures:

In the deeps
of an acid sea
lie chunks of metal, corroded slowly:
sunken ships,
fallen monuments,
lingering shells, empty, haunted--
lifeless steel ghosts--
no algae, no redemption--
the circle of life, stopped in its tracks--
no long blue songs, just perfect quiet
but for the dark, automatic swish
of the current,
slowly rolling, for as long 
as the sun lives, dead water on
a dead planet,
slowly rolling

The world is orange on gray.
Only a dusted, finished tiger's colors,
without the plush

A dimming sun burns low through smog,
a humming glow, toxic, radiating
onto smoothed gray boulders, simple
as chalk drawings.
A volcanic plain, all basalt and ash--
no algae (prey to a molten red flow,
eons ago -- gone up in smoke)
So now, 
nothing moves...
only the barren wind with its dust, 
dry and lifeless, slowly rolling--
For millions of years,
slowly rolling

An asteroid drifts through cold space--
slowly rotating, a little momentum conserved
(why not?)
A blue nebula
Thousands of thousands of miles away
and otherwise, just the black of space
and the cold white perforations once known,
on a blue marble,
as Stars.
No day, no night,
no days or years or time -- 
slowly rolling, dry and isolate,
cosmic eternity, spent
slowly rolling

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